A fond farewell:

This photo was taken on Aug 19th 2002 which was the day the last lot of NSG people were made redundant and also the day some moved to Harlow. The photo is of the posters put in the windows of building 4 which spelt out "Goodbye NSG, LON40 forever". Someone (or some two people) spent a good part of the weekend painting these signs and then shot around the building at 7:30am putting them up. The people were trying to recreate the sort of thing that appears in Firm Friends on page 147 with the picture "I'm getting married in the morning". They were afraid that security would spoil the plan, but in the end nobody really cared...

Photo and description supplied by Chris Notton, who emphasises that he was not one of the people involved in the plot!

Photos of the farewell party on 30th August 2002

30th August 2002

If you'd like to help contribute to this site with photos, stories, or memorabilia please contact Rob White