The 1930s
"The light and space
of STC's New Southgate factory contrast with conditions at North Woolwich. Here
[at NSG], PBX switchboards are made in surroundings that, in 1930 were far in
advance of those prevailing in much of the industry."
This photgraph could have been taken in any of Buildings 3, 4 or 8. Elsewhere in the book, there was a photo of an engineering area at the North Woolwich site, all very grim with overhead belts driving various machines and all very cramped... the dark ages indeed.
Photograph from 'Power of Speech - A History of Standard Telephones and Cables 1883 - 1983' by Peter Young
Click here for many more photos of the site in 1937
If you'd like to help contribute to this site with photos, stories, or memorabilia please contact Rob White