Early Lab pictures

Colin Marr has kindly provided these photos taken in the old Enfield Labs circa 1958

Joe Evans doing something with an ancient phone and batteries!
Note spot-galvanometer in the background and drawing-curves on the table.

Joe Evans, back view, with Pat Russen and Jill Fowler. Door to screened room beyond

Pat Russen. Note Tektronix scope (ultra modern!), standard issue wooden tool-box and rickety stool

Derek Tibbets at desk. Note glass screening goes up to open roof

Same as 5, but turned round to see Colin’s work-bench. Note crowded apparatus, asbestos-cord lagged vessel, reagent/ solvent bottle (trichloroethylene?) and Variac.

As Colin remembers it, the Measurements Lab was under Joe Evans, but the professional members of the team were Bill Kerr and Gordon Heighington.