Presentations on show at the 2014 reunion dinner were on the theme of “Materials, processing and evaluation”
The themes for the individual displays were:-
- Cables – Polymer Technology- The STL Polymer Laboratory (Affectionately known as the Plastics Lab)
- Research into Glasses
- Plasma Processing Developments at STL
- Thick Film Hybrid* Materials, Processing & Reliability
- Silicon Microengineering (SME)
- Cable Materials, Processing & Engineering
- Cable Materials, Processing & Engineering
- Growth Of Single Crystals At STL – Piezoelectric Organic-Based Crystals
- Growth Of Single Crystals At STL – III-V Based Compounds
- Capacitor Development
- Radio Frequency (RF) Micro-Levitation Melting Using The Silver Boat Process
- STL Management in Materials Development
- Ceramic Processing
This link takes you to the displays used at the dinner.
The displays on show were in fact summaries of numerous individual contributors.
The full contributions (in pdf format) may be accessed via the following links:-
CRG (Controlled Release Glass)
SME (Silicon Micro-Engineering)